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Book Description

This second edition of The UX Careers Handbook offers you all the great advice of the first edition—freshly updated—plus a new chapter on critical soft skills, much more on becoming a UX leader, and a 17th user experience (UX) career pathway.

The UX Careers Handbook, Second Edition, offers you an insider’s advice on learning, personal branding, networking skills, building your resume and portfolio, and actually landing that UX job you want, as well as an in-depth look at what it takes to get into and succeed in a UX career.

Check out The UX Careers Handbook Preview (PDF) – table of contents, intro and first chapter

More about Cory Lebson

Who is this book for?

  • Undergraduate and graduate students and university career centers
  • Current UX professionals, from those early in their careers to those who have been in the field for a long time
  • Those in other related (or even unrelated) professions who want to make a shift to UX
  • Employers who need to understand who they should be hiring and what skills those people will have
  • Recruiters and recruitment organizations that are recruiting for UX positions